Hughes School Info:
A few items to know before Monday, August
9, when we get to welcome all of our students back:
Reminder - School start and end times:
- TK & Kindergarten: 8:20 – 1:20
- 1st Grade – 3rd Grade: 8:20 – 2:05
- 4th Grade – 6th Grade: 8:20 – 2:30
- We’ll have lots of staff on hand at the gates to help students locate their new classrooms.
- We cannot have parents, friends and family on campus right now due to the rules we need to follow. There will be many helpful staff waiting at the gate to help your child find where they need to go.
- We LOVE our Hughes Families and will welcome you back onto our campus just as soon as we possibly can.
- Masks are required to be worn by ALL staff and ALL students while inside. No masks are required outside.
- Gates open at 7:50am – please do not leave students at the gate before this time.
- Please send your student with a water bottle – drinking fountains are still not available to use.
- Remember to send your child to school with a mask to use every day. An extra in their backpack is a great idea, too!
- Unless your child walks home alone you will need to be at the gate to meet your child by time the bell rings each day after school – there is nobody available after school to watch students unless they are enrolled in Latchkey or PAWS. All students need to leave campus once they are dismissed from school each day (other than students in Latchkey and PAWS). Students may not wait on campus for older brothers and sisters.
*****Class lists will be posted in the school office windows on Friday, August 6 at 5:00pm. You’re welcome to come that evening or anytime over the weekend to see who your teacher will be for this year. We can’t wait to see our students back and are looking forward to a great 2021 – 2022 school year! *****