We will be returning tomorrow, Jan 5, 2022 at 8:20 a.m. We are looking forward to seeing everyone once again.
Just a reminder that if your child has symptoms that are on our Covid-19 screening list, or has been in contact with a positive case over the holidays, or if there is any question as to exposure or symptoms, please keep your child(ren) home. Reach out to our nurse, Linda, via phone call or email, for further direction and next steps. ParentSquare works as well. We want to be cautious so we can keep students in classrooms to the best of our ability. Here are contact numbers for easy reference.
School phone number: 209-527-1330
lmotzkus@empire.k12.ca.us -Nurse
jhamera@empire.k12.ca.us -Principal
rsarkis@empire.k12.ca.us - School Secretary
Masks are still in effect- please send your kids to school with them. Our protocols are still in place that includes encouraging handwashing, student spacing as much as possible, nightly disinfecting of classrooms, and access to hand sanitizers on entries to buildings and classrooms.
We have quite a lot of coats, sweatshirts, and sweaters that we have collected. We will have them out on tables at the front gate before and after school. On Friday, any leftover outerwear will be donated. Please come take a look if your child is missing a coat or jacket.