On November 18th, on our minimum day, students will be invited to participate in our annual Turkey Trot! Please be sure your child wears comfy shoes! We will follow the schedule below. To help with our food bank at Hughes and to provide a gift to food banks here in Modesto, we are also doing our canned food drive. Students are invited to bring a canned good to donate if they wish to. Instead of turkeys this year, each student will receive a token, provided by Boosters, for participating!
Friday, November 18, 2022:
Tk-k: 9-915
1: 9:20-9:35
2: 9:40-9:55
3: 10-10:15
4: 10:20-10:40
5: 10:45-11:05
6: 11:05-11:25
Friday, November 18, 2022:
Tk-k: 9-915
1: 9:20-9:35
2: 9:40-9:55
3: 10-10:15
4: 10:20-10:40
5: 10:45-11:05
6: 11:05-11:25