Kathy Chong, Just now
MINIMUM DAY SCHEDULE: TODAY May 25 TK/K 12:35 pm Grades 1st - 3rd 12:50 pm Grades 4th-6th 1:15 pm

Kathy Chong, Just now
MINIMUM DAY SCHEDULE: Thursday, May 25 TK/K 12:35 pm Grades 1st - 3rd 12:50 pm Grades 4th-6th 1:15 pm

Kathy Chong, Just now
MINIMUM DAY SCHEDULE: Thursday, May 25 TK/K 12:35 pm Grades 1st - 3rd 12:50 pm Grades 4th-6th 1:15 pm

Thursday, May 25
TK/K 12:35 pm
Grades 1st - 3rd 12:50 pm
Grades 4th-6th 1:15 pm

Hughes Elementary TK-5th Grade AWARDS ASSEMBLY
If your child is receiving an award, they should be bringing a certificate home. If in doubt, please reach out to your child's teacher.
We hope to see you at the assembly!

Hello Hughes Community,
On Monday, May 8th, at 12:30 p.m. we will be having a lockdown drill. THIS IS A DRILL.
Teachers are prepping their kids that this is only practice- we do not want anybody concerned or scared. While we do not anticipate this lasting but a short time, we will not be opening the door during the drill. We wanted you to be in the loop should your students come home talking about it.
The Hughes Team

Elementary School Concert Spring Fling
All chor students should wear white and black.
Wednesday, Mary 3, 2023
6:00-7:00 pm
Glick Middle School Gym
Doors open at 5:30 pm

Our annual state testing window begins tomorrow! Known as CAASPP, it is administered annually to gauge progress. It also helps us identify what your child may need and what they may be ready for. This is an excellent opportunity, and very important, for our students to show what they know! Please partner with us to ensure that they are ready for the next 2 weeks.
• They need to be here, on time.
• Please ensure that they either have a good breakfast at home or are here in time to eat at school. Rumbling tummies make it hard to concentrate.
• Please turn off those video games, televisions, and phones. Your child will do better if they are rested. No one does well if they are sleepy.
• Talk to them about the importance of doing their best. Our students have made growth this year- we want them to show it!
• Speak words of encouragement and affirmation to them! This test is not easy. Remind them that they are smart and thoughtful. They have worked hard this year and have proven they can do hard things!
Thank you so much for your partnership this year. It has been rewarding watching our students grow, mature, and learn. We appreciate you!

Hughes Family Game Night!
April 27
Co-sponsored by Boosters and After School Program
Pizza will be served
All games provided
Entry is free.

Spring Concert: April 26th!

Interested in Science! Here is an available opportunity!


Come support and cheer on the Sxith Grade Hughes Basketball Team at Glick!

Hughes Spring Band Concert! April 26th, 2023!

Dress up as your future career!
Thursday, March 23!

Dress to Impress Future Job Interview~
Dress Professionally!
Wednesday, March 22!

Career Exploration Spirit Days March 20-March 24 GRADUATION DAY! Wear college, military, or trade school gear or colors tomorrow! Tuesday, March 21!

Career Exploration Spirit Days March 20-March 24
Wear Bright Colors!
Monday, March 20!

Please join us for Booster Club tomorrow at 5:30. Everyone is welcome!

EUSD JPAN Concert - March 9th!
Information for band students/performers:
Mr. Buer needs all performers to arrive at 5:30 p.m. Concert begins promptly at 6:00 p.m.
Dress code for band students performing at the concert:
Boys: White button-down shirt (full sleeve), black dress pants, black socks, and black dress shoes.
Girls: same as boys OR black (or mostly black) dress that reaches below the knee when sitting. Black flats or boots, but no heels about 1-2".