EUSD Students and Families now have access to Free online tutoring available 24/7
over 2 years ago, Empire Union School District
Please return those SSC interest forms if you'd like to be on the ballot. They are due tomorrow.
over 2 years ago, B. Hughes Elementary School
Just a reminder that Latino Literacy Program begins tomorrow at 4 p.m. in our library. If you didn't sign up but are interested, please contact Mrs. Powell at We will see you then!
over 2 years ago, B. Hughes Elementary School
It is going to be a hot week. Please ensure your children come with a water bottle. We have stations around campus where they can be refilled as they need. We are also asking your help in that we ask our students leave the hoodies, coats, and heavy sweatshirts at home this week. Students are reluctant to take them off and can become overheated and feel unwell.
over 2 years ago, B. Hughes Elementary School
New Footsteps 2 Brilliance Literacy Resource for Grades TK - 3
over 2 years ago, Empire Union School District
Footsteps 2 Brilliance
Free Breakfast, Lunch, and Afterschool Meals are available to students through our EUSD Universal Meal Program
over 2 years ago, Empire Union School District
We began our student store last week. Be sure to ask your students about the 'blue tickets'! We, as a school community, are celebrating kids on a large scale who make good choices, can explain our big three rules, and who model our character traits. It is clear we have some pretty caring and responsible kids in our school!
over 2 years ago, B. Hughes Elementary School
blue tickets
Hughes Elementary sends our warmest welcome to our newest 2nd graders! We look forward to having you in our classrooms and as part of our Hughes Community!
over 2 years ago, B. Hughes Elementary School
We are looking forward to your student’s return tomorrow! The cafeteria opens at 7:30 a.m. for students eating breakfast and the playground at 7:50 a.m. We cannot wait to see everyone! As has been the practice the past few years, please say good-bye to your student at the front gate. There will be plenty of staff to get them to where they need to be. We will be opening back up for events and school functions in the coming weeks! We will have Back to School Night on August 31, where you will be invited to come on campus and meet the teachers and see your child’s classroom.
over 2 years ago, B. Hughes Elementary School
Just a reminder that class lists to be posted at 4 p.m. on Friday, August 5th.
over 2 years ago, B. Hughes Elementary School
Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten Orientation!
over 2 years ago, B. Hughes Elementary School
TK - K Orientation
Welcome Back Postcard
over 2 years ago, B. Hughes Elementary School
Welcome back PC slides
welcome back spanish
TK-K Orientation from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Come with your child and meet the teacher and see the classroom. Information to follow.
over 2 years ago, B. Hughes Elementary School
TK-K orientation
School Offices Open Wednesday, July 27 from 7:30 am - 4:00 pm.
over 2 years ago, Empire Union School District
EUSD Employment Opportunities
over 2 years ago, Empire Union School District
EUSD Employment Opportunities
EUSD Want Ad Flyer 2022-2023
over 2 years ago, Empire Union School District
EUSD Help Wanted
EUSD’s Free Summer Meal Program Begins on Thursday, June 2nd. Please see the ‘Summer Meal’ News Feed for more information.
almost 3 years ago, Empire Union School District
As the school year ends, we look forward to seeing you all in August. Our school office will close this Friday, June 3 and will reopen July 27th, 2022.
almost 3 years ago, B. Hughes Elementary School
EUSD is very proud of everything we have accomplished as a school community this year.  Enjoy a well-deserved summer break, and we’re looking forward to a wonderful 2022-2023 school year.
almost 3 years ago, Empire Union School District
Please join us for a parent education opportunity with our counselor. Come get information on low-cost or no-cost summer activities for your students! English at 1:00 and Spanish at 1:30. Click Here:
almost 3 years ago, B. Hughes Elementary School
Summer Parent Ed Class
Summer parent Ed class- Span