Don't forget the annual Hughes Craft Fair is this Friday from 6:00-7:30 p.m.! Come find some delicious treats and crafts created by Hughes Students!

Congratulations to Julius and Rohan who represented Hughes Elementary School at the Stanislaus County Spelling Bee Tuesday evening! GREAT JOB!

Just a reminder that there is a Booster Meeting at 5:30 p.m. tomorrow in room 24! All are welcome! We can provided childcare.

Tomorrow is the Stanislaus County Elementary Spelling Championship! Hughes will be sending two 5th graders to represent our school!
When: November 15, 2022 at 5:30 p.m.
Where: Peterson Event Center: 720 12th Street Modesto!

Don't forget to turn in your items for the Kids Craft Fair! Crafts are due Wednesday, November 16. Please attach a sample of each craft item in a Ziploc bag with your child's name and room number. Items sold at the Craft Fair MUST BE homemade or handcrafted items. It's not meant for purchased items to be resold.

Bring a canned food to help families in need! (November 10-18th)!

Wear GREEN TOMORROW to honor our Veterans!--November 10!

Zoom link option for our Parent Book Discussion tomorrow!
Please join us on Tuesday at 3:30pm in room 33, to discuss Anxious Kids, Anxious Parents! We will be discussing chapters 5 & 6, but don’t worry if you have missed some meetings, we can give you a summary and bring you up to speed. Books are provided for anyone who attends. If you will be joining us via zoom, please let me know and I will send home a book with your student. I look forward to having you join us! The zoom link is:
Meeting ID: 897 8664 7188
Mrs. Eldredge

Picture Day make-up on November 3

Red Ribbon Spirit Days start tomorrow!

Only two days left to purchase your Harvest Carnival Taco Dinner tickets!
Dine In or Take Out at Hughes Elementary Dinner includes of 4 tacos (half beef, half chicken-no substitutions), rice, beans, condiments and two waters--$15 Make checks payable to Hughes Booster Due by this Friday October 21st--Forms available in the office

Taco Night at the Harvest Carnival--Tickets must be pre-purchased
Dine In or Take Out at Hughes Elementary
Dinner includes of 4 tacos (half beef, half chicken-no substitutions), rice, beans, condiments and two waters--$15
Make checks payable to Hughes Booster
Due by this Friday October 21st--Forms available in the office
**If sending an order, please include payment and child's name, room number, number of tickets being purchased and phone number.

We need you! If you want to be part of a group that helps plan activties for our students and their families, then this is the group for you! No special skills are need-just a willingness to get involved! ALL are welcome!
When: THURSDAY, October 20, 2022
Where: Hughes Library
Time: 5 p.m.-6 p.m.

Parents join us for our book discussion at 5:15 tomorrow with our school counselor! Check in through the PAWS gate. Books and materials will be provided.
Come learn about anxiety in children- all are welcome.
Please email Mrs. Eldrege at leldrege@empire.k12.ca.us if you'd like to join us!

Hughes Elementary would like to congratulate the following parents as our newest members of SSC! To all of yu who voted, a big thank you!
Welcome Zachary Johnston, Jessica Valenzuela , and Lauren Estrada! They join Leslie Elliot and Apryl Houston as parents members of the Council!

Reminder that picture day is tomorrow! Pictures are all ordered onllne before or after picture day.

We want to hear from you!
Please go to Parent Square to take a survey from EUSD's Food Service Director about what your child would like to see more of in the cafeteria!

Thank you for remaining diligent as you drop off or pick up your children around our crosswalks. Students are doing a good job crossing students in our crosswalks, but we need your assitance as they cross kids. Patience with our students and other drivers as they volunteer to help is so appreciated.

This is a friendly reminder that the Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Hughes this week! Students can visit the book fair before and after school and during their breaks. If students have money on them, please encourage them to give it to their teacher for safe keeping.
Happy Reading!

Please join us tomorrow for our parent Booster Club. We will meet on Thursday from 5- 6 p.m. in the school library. Everyone is welcome!