SAVE THE DATE: EUSD Spring Concert!

SAVE THE DATE! April 16th in Room 31@Hughes! Come and join in the discussion on how your child to support your child this summer with their academics and language!

SAVE THE DATE: EUSD Spring Concert!

Empire Union Spring Band Concert!

SAVE THE DATE! April 16th in Room 31@Hughes! Come and join in the discussion on how your child to support your child this summer with their academics and language!

Coming next week!

Don't forget! Support our band students tonight at Johansen High School!

Spirit Wear Sale!

Band Together Concert! Tuesday, March 12!

SAVE THE DATE! Family Dance Night! February 16! 6:00 - 7:00 pm

Let's help those in need! Bring a canned food or non perishable items to help others.

Crazy for Kindness! Wear crazy socks tomorrow!

Buy your Valentine Grams! $7 per class set!
January 24-January 31st! Grams will be delivered February 13-14!

Peace, Love & Kindness! Wear Tie-Dye tomorrow!

Valentine Gram Sales! January 22-31!
$7 a class set!
Grams will be delivered February 13-14

Shine Bright with Kindness! Wear Neon tomorrow!

Tomorrow! Wear your favorite jersey or team shirt! --TEAM KINDNESS

100th Day of School! Dress as an elderly you admire tomorrow!

THEMED DAYS coming to Hughes! Saving the World with Acts of Kindness--2024!

DON'T FORGET this fun event tomorrow!